Sustainable forest management Lac Brome

At FOR-ECO SYLVICULTURE, we are aware of the importance of a parcel of green forest in a jungle of concrete. That is why our aim is to provide solutions to preserve forest lands.

Sustainability is the word!

What would be a forest without its tall centenarian trees with canopies disappearing into the clouds, tiny ferns and mushrooms poking their nose near their roots and dead leaves making crunching sounds as you walk by to the 'tick-tock' of a woodpecker? Well, it simply wouldn't be a forest! Sustainable forest management is a must if you want better growth of trees in a healthier environment, to stop the spread of any kind of disease and grow trees that are adapted to that place. With our team of forest technicians and geographic information specialists, we can help you find solutions to these queries.

All you need to do is give us a call and tell us where to come and we will be there. We operate in the Lac Brome region.